Email Tracking

AhaSend supports tracking email opens and link clicks for HTML emails. By default, open and click tracking features are disabled and can be enabled globally for all emails sent from your account through the account settings, or individually for each email by setting a special headers on the email. 

Please note that tracking emails is generally not recommended. Beyond privacy concerns, many users disable remote content loading in their email clients, which hinders open tracking. Additionally, many mailbox providers, bots and spam filters prefetch images and links in emails to screen for malicious content, leading to inaccurate tracking results.

It is highly recommended to set up your tracking domain if you're planning to enable click or open tracking.

Email Open Tracking

Email open tracking operates by embedding a tracking pixel, essentially a single-pixel image, into your email content. However, this method is limited to HTML emails. If the recipient has blocked the loading of external images or is reading the plain text version of your email, AhaSend cannot track the opening of the email.

Enable open tracking for all emails

You can track email opens for all emails sent through your account by enabling "Open Tracking" in the Account Settings. Simply check the "Track email opens" checkbox.

Email Tracking configuration

Enable or disable open tracking for individual emails

You can override the account-wide email open tracking setting for each individual email by setting the ahasend-track-opens header on your email. This header is removed before the email is delivered to the recipient.

  • Set ahasend-track-opens header to true to enable open tracking for an individual email message, even if open tracking is disabled on your account.

  • Set ahasend-track-opens header to false to disable open tracking for an individual email message, even if open tracking is enabled on your account.

Click Tracking

Click Tracking, also known as Link Open Tracking, tracks when links in your emails are opened. It operates by replacing all the link URLs in your email with specially generated URLs that record statistics upon being opened. AhaSend tracks links only in HTML emails.

Requirements for Click Tracking

  • To use Click Tracking, your account must undergo our manual verification process. Links will not be tracked until your account is verified, even if you enable Click Tracking in your account settings.

  • Click Tracking is only supported for HTML emails.

  • Only http:// and https:// links are supported for click tracking.

  • AhaSend serves all tracked URLs over HTTPS/TLS, ensuring that attackers cannot capture the links opened by your recipients due to the use of unsafe and non-encrypted HTTP URLs.

  • All tracking links include a secure signature that is validated and verified before redirecting the user to the destination URL. This security measure prevents attackers from using your tracking domain to impersonate your domain and redirect your customers to unsafe websites.

  • URLs tracked by AhaSend do not expire. Since emails often remain in recipients' mailboxes for extended periods, it is crucial that links in an email can be successfully opened even years after being sent. AhaSend encodes all necessary information for validation and redirection directly within the URL, ensuring that tracked links remain functional even if you no longer use AhaSend.

Enable click tracking for all emails

You can track email opens for all emails sent through your account by enabling Click Tracking in the Account Settings. Simply check the "Track clicks" checkbox.

Enable or disable click tracking for individual emails

You can override the account-wide email click tracking setting for each individual email by setting the ahasend-track-clicks header on your email. This header is removed before the email is delivered to the recipient.

  • Set ahasend-track-clicks header to true to enable click tracking for an individual email message, even if click tracking is disabled on your account.

  • Set ahasend-track-clicks header to false to disable click tracking for an individual email message, even if click tracking is enabled on your account.

In some cases you might want to exclude a link from being tracked, even though the rest of the links in the email are being tracked. To do this you can set data-as-no-trackattribute on the link <a> tag:

<a href="" data-as-no-track>AhaSend</a>
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